Tiny Star

Animal City

Selection About Petmaster Main hub?

Hello! I'm the petmaster here. (get it? webmaster... petmaster... you get it.) I have had a deep love for animals my WHOLE LIFE! You could say my love started when I got my first cat, Mickey, at 2 1/2 years old. I remember when we brought him home he ran under the couch and I was so fascinated by it. I was curious about how an animal could feel scared like I had. I wondered what other things animals felt and how they experienced the world. Needless to say, I was hooked!

I've taken care of 10+ personal pets in my life, currently having 4 of my own. I would do anything for my pets and I try to give them the best care I possibly can. Unfortunately, I wasn't always the best care taker. My pet journey began with my first hamster, Oreo. I got her at age 9 at no other than petco. (first red flag) She was my first pet that was really my responsibility. With that being said, I would not recommend letting a 9 year old do all the research for their first pet. She ended up living the normal lifespan but I made many many mistakes such as: cage size, bedding, wheel, food, and treats. Despite it all she was a very sweet hamster. My next few pets would go about the same, basic care that's not the right kind of care. I'm happy to say I do not settle for mediocre anymore! There is ALWAYS room for improvement but I do the best care I can. I think it's imporant for people to realize that everyone starts somewhere and it's ok to make mistakes with your care, it happens. Just as long as you fix it! ^___^

Since we're on the topic of my first pets, let's talk about more of them! Of course if you'd like to lewarn EVEN more about my sweet babies, please check out the My pets section on this website!