dollhouse my sims stories

orignal charcters

welcome to the archives!

As you can see, this place is a mess! Please excuse it as I'm making this website from scratch.

Dewparchives is an archive website with many branches. Branches are specfic topics I find great interset in and would like to save information on. Basically, this is just one big personal wikipedia. I'm a little obessed with makng lists and saving things so this is a nice hobby for me.

This is the main hub so welcome! You can find all of the different branches to the left of this. If you'd like to learn more about me or find my contact information, check out the webmaster link. If you'd like to get to a specfic page fast, head over to the teleporter.

You may notice things aren't quite aligned properly or are a bit off. You may also notice many misspells (mispells? haha case proven.) Please ignore any of these things! I've been coding since childhood but I'm still a beginner and very shabby. There are many things done ineffeciently but that's ok! I'll only improve in time and hey, if I don't, who even cares? Not me! As for the spelling I'm a reaalllllyyyyyy bad speller. It's never been my strong suit so please ignore any mistakes. Maybe it'll get fixed, maybe it won't. Basically what this paragraph is saying is don;t mind any stupid mistakes! Ramble over, I hope everyone has a great day!

Note: Some branches have emore progress than others. They're updated based on what I'm researching most at any given time. Check the updates page frequently to see any progress if you're interested. :)
